Donating to Support our Work

UK Donations
We are partnered with Jeevika Trust, a UK-based organisation focused on social change and development in rural India. UK donations can be made via Jeevika Trust JustGiving page, allowing you to maximise your contribution using Gift Aid. Please mention Akshaya Kshetram or AK in the comment when making your donation.

Akshaya Kshetram (AK) has FCRA approval to receive donations from non-Indian citizens (whether based in India or living abroad), at the nominated bank account at SBI, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. As we are obliged to follow stricter procedures for amounts received from non-Indian citizens, please contact Gopal Rao, Treasurer at or by WhatsApp to +91 9346796770, with your name and contact details. We will be happy to assist you through the process.

Donations from Indian Entities
Akshaya Kshetram has approval under Section 12A of the Income Tax Act 1961 and all donations are exempt @50% under Section 80G of the said Act.
Donations made by a citizen of India (based in India or NRIs), an Indian Trust or Registered Society, an Indian Foundation, an Indian Company (CSR funding), or Government Departments in Indian Rupees can be sent to our designated bank account with the State Bank of India.

Donations from Indian Entities
All donations to be sent to the designated bank account as under:
Account Name: Akshaya Kshetram
Account Number: 37557985365
Bank Name: State Bank of India
Branch Name: PBB Tirupati
IFS Code: SBIN0017800
MICR: 517002022
Donor Information Required under Section 10BD of Income Tax Act
Since April 2022, all NGOs have been required to submit specific donor information under Section 10 BD as below.
- Donation amount
- Name of the donor
- Address of the donor
- Aadhar number
- PAN number (if the donation amount exceeds Rs 50,000)
- Mobile number
- Email ID
- Purpose of donation
- Remittance reference and copy if available.
Please supply all of the above to Gopal Rao, Treasurer at or by WhatsApp to +91 9346796770.
Donations from Foreign Entities
This includes donations made by a foreign citizen (including OCI/PIO card holder based in India or living abroad), a Foreign Trust, Foreign Registered Society, Foreign Foundation or Foreign Company. Donations must be made in line with the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2020.
Foreign Entity details
Please contact Gopal Rao Treasurer at or by WhatsApp on +91 9346796770, providing the following information below. We will be happy to assist you through the process.
Name and address of the Donor inc. country
Type of Donor: Individual/Organisation
Mobile Number
Email address
Website (for organisations only)
Donation amount and currency
Reason for donation